Saturday, April 21, 2007


This is Truffles. I got him last August, the week my cousin was born. I always asked my parents if I could get a hamster but they said NO!

One day, I asked them if I could get a hamster, they said I had to do a lot of research. So, I hopped on the Internet and started to print out about 20 pages at a time. Then, I read all of the pages and my mom took me to Petsmart.

Since I was saving up for an American Girl Doll, I had over $100.00. But my mom said I had to give her half of my money. But this gift was the best gift ever!!! It moves around but an American Girl Doll doesn't move.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Tiger has a crooked tail. When we got him from my mom's friend, her husband accidentally stepped on his tail. Now he looks like Captain Hook-Tail.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


We got Dot with her brother, Tiger, for my fifth birthday. We called her Dot because of her white dot.

My Fish

In 2000, my dad built a pond in our backyard. He bought many fish but some of the fish were eaten by herons. Some had babies and some got suck into the filter. We do not know which fish laid the eggs. I don't think it was one of these 6 fish.

We had an orange fish that kept on getting bigger even though we weren't giving them any treats. One day, it exploded.

About my Pets

I am Kayleigh. It feels like animal kingdom came to live at my house! I have 6 fish, 2 cats, and 1 cute, little hamster.

My fish do not have any names because it would be too difficult to remember. They live outside in a pond with a waterfall.

My cats are named Tiger and Dot. I got them for my 5th birthday. They were 2 1/2 years old. 1 year before I got them, my other cat, Genesis, died of a jaw infection.

Lastly, we get to my hamster, Truffles! I got Truffles last August, about a week before school. Before I could get him, I had to do a lot of research.

That is the end of the animal kingdom that lives in my house.